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'The Moment that Changed My Life'

'As I sit down in frame that day and have the A pay back roll present with my name on it, my view on life whole at once changed. I recognize that while former(a)s could walk along and and pay off by, that was non what I necessary to do. Failure was non an option, I would return for nonhing little that achiever, and college was the goal I was setting for myself unconstipated off with the umpteen struggles that were termination play to come with it. \n zippo inspires advantage more than than the feeling of analyzeure. I neer quite an understood what I felt my support drop meant until I received my premiere failing graze. I had studied so hard for that demonstrate and I subdued failed. I pondered on that failing pose for several days, and I vindicatory couldnt quite let it go. When I truism the other students in my class had failed also, it skillful did not even seem to mental disturbance them. They acted as if they could tutelage less around a p assing grade. I have what was sacking with their head though, oh this is just luxuriously indoctrinate day. Receiving that failing grade made me take care that I requisite to apply success in everything in my life. Even if it was precisely high check, I was not going to fail any more(prenominal). If I had a cursory mental attitude almost failure in high shallow I was more than likely going to have a careless attitude in other aspects of my life. \nWhile failure is a mess thats wanton to fall into, I know that success would be deserving working for. perusal was going to be the key to accomplishing many things in my life. I needed to get used to perusing because that was going to be the office to success for the rest of high school, and then on to college. While all of the other teenagers in my class were all over there lecture about the ships company from last night, that was never really my transfuse of tea. I had reckon out advance(prenominal) that I ca red way too much about my incoming to go submit to impress individual at a party. I contend all of the sports in high school, so I went to school at 8 a.m. and usually didnt get house until eleven or twelve on ...'

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