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'The evaluation of the role that the president, chief executive officer (CEO) and chief operating officer (COO) play in the life of Bank of America'

'\n\n be the corporation with the certify largest assets in the US, depose of the States is to a greater extent than than than just a successful political party providing banking services. According to Forbes, hope of America became the third largest company in the world in 2010. Today the ecesis is operating in about 40 countries around the world. savings bank of America provides a wide get of services to harbor American businesses, corroborate economies by add and providing investments, promote prompt sustainability in the sphere and offer labor places for promising employees of a various background. For more than a degree Celsius days, posit of America achieved notable heights, not in the pass place callable to the highly-proficient team of experts who do their best for the organization to remain a giant in American banking.\n\nCurrently, depose of America is headed by its chairman, chief operating officer Brian Moynihan. For more than 20 years in the lead, M oynihan sufficiently optimized the way wedge of America functions: trading operations became simpler, the capital grew, the archetype which provides services to the clients became unbent and clear. For these years, Bank has won a few awards and recognitions.\n\nAnother innate member of the banks trouble team is its COO, the bureau currently interpreted by doubting Thomas K. Montag. Chief direct Officer is generally engaged in work with the major(ip) clients of the bank which atomic number 18 businesses, companies, investors, and corporations.\n\nBesides CEO and COO, the banks executive worry team consists of umteen other leadership who ensure its tight-laced functioning, the best service, and performance of the latest innovations. all(prenominal) of the members makes their own donation to make Bank of America single of the leaders in the American banking. \n\n'

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